Yard Sale Day- Always the First Saturday in August!!


Every year, hundreds of people descend upon Brandon for its Annual Yard Sale Day, which helps recycle and reuse. Start getting your goodies and treasures together to tempt the treasure seekers who’ll travel our streets!

With dozens of yard sales registered on the official listing and scores more set up around town, Brandon will be a busy place. Although most sales will not start until 9:00 am, the official regular and enhanced listings will be available starting at 7:00 a.m. on-line at brandon.org and at the Brandon Museum & Visitor Center, located next to the Baptist Church at the corner of Routes 7 and 73 West. Pick up a listing sheet and follow the sales. Downtown Brandon will be a busy place so make plans to head out to sales on the side streets and back roads. Enjoy the views and find the bargains that others are missing.  Sales will be held rain or shine.

There will be a Map of Brandon to help out, but plan on using your GPS and smart phones to input the complete addresses provided on the listings sheet!

To Register:

For a fee of $10, sellers get their name and address on the official listings sheet and a bright colored sign to draw attention to your sale. $15 will buy an enhanced listing, which gets the seller 25 words to describe specialty items that will grab buyer’s attention, and increase your traffic flow! Fill out the registration form at Carr’s Gift Shop or print one here BRANDON YARD SALE REGISTRATION FORM 2023. Registration deadline is July 30th. The event is sponsored by the Brandon Area Chamber of Commerce.

For more information, contact the Brandon Area Chamber of Commerce at 802-247-6401 info@brandon.org  or check online at www.brandon.org.